- 1. Please return to the original place of purchase for warranty assistance.
- 2. Present them with a copy of your original invoice. (Note: For a Limited Treadwear Warranty, the seller of the tires may also ask for rotation records since it is typically required that passenger tires be rotated every 5,000 to 6,000 miles.)
- 3. The seller of your tires will confirm if the tires are still within the warranty period.
- 4. The seller of the tires will conduct an inspection to determine if the issue at hand is covered under any of the warranties, and if so, the seller of the tires will execute the warranty and process your adjustment.
NOTE: If you are unable to return to the place of purchase, we may be able to identify a comparable location in your state to further assist you. Contact us at (800) 238-6469.